Nyunyó and friends

As you may know, there are the very cute domestic bunnies (pet bunnies), and there are the "Oh My God" uber-cute - as a kit - wild bunnies.
Like guinea pigs, one way or another, pet bunnies are often given up by their owners, refusing to cover their treatment or regular care. In the worst-case scenario, these bunnies are not even receiving medical examinations; they are simply kicked out to the curb, and that is how they end up with us.
Let's see some of the stories!
Pamacs came to our clinic, then to our Foundation, with severe symptoms of parasitic infection (Encephalitozoon cuniculi). This infection damages the central nervous system and is associated with balance problems, among other symptoms. The treatment takes a long time and requires a lot of medication.
In Pamacs's case, the disease was so severe at first that her cage had to be lined with soft material - she could not keep herself up, and we were afraid that she would hurt herself due to her compulsive spinning.
Her condition slowly but beautifully improved, she grew and became a happy bunny, but unfortunately, she could still only keep her head tilted to the side.
She was adopted by a fellow veterinarian, about which we were delighted!

Kócos is a healthy bunny found on the streets. After vaccinations and neutering, we managed to find him a new owner.
Dear bunny, we are glad we were able to help.

Fehér Ló Fia (The Son of The White Horse)
As a healthy bunny, he roamed the streets until some kindhearted people caught him and brought him to our care.
He was a resident of our Foundation for three months; he found a new owner after receiving vaccinations and neutering.
Nyunyó and Friends
Our adventures with wild bunny rescue started with Nyunyó. She was the first protégé, staying with Dr. Szabina for a long time, but she could jump away on the meadows when the right moment came.
The problem with wild baby bunnies is that they are often so well-hidden during spring mowing that they cannot be seen, and the mower machine or scythe causes severe or even fatal injuries to the kittens or the mother rabbit. As a result, they can be orphaned. Unfortunately, they do not survive in nature alone at such a young age.
It is very trying to raise them. They need to be taught how to drink from a special baby bottle, and for succeeding, it is essential to use a specialized formula. Being herbivores, their gut flora is very sensitive; if diarrhea occurs during rearing, that does not bode well...
In addition to proper nutrition, we need to take care of their injuries, which is a unique challenge as they are prey animals responding especially badly to stress.
Apart from financial support, you can help with the following:
- Royal Canin Babycat milk
- Oxbow critical care
- Oxbow or Versele feed and hay
- DMG liquid formula (immune booster)
- Vetri DMG liquid formula (immune booster
- Seni underpads 60x90